SkyPOS will improve your POS efficiency and experience

Website to POS
Turn your website into an easy to use and powerful cash register for each type of store or business

Create Products in Frontend
Create products and manage the stock right from the POS interface

Virtual Cast Register
You can use the virtual cash register on any computer, on touch screens, and in any latest generation web browser

Full Control Your Business
You can sync your store point of sale with orders, customers, and product listings of your online shop and vice versa. You’ll have full control over your business

Support Barcode
Allow the cashier to find products by SKU or by the barcode generated through our barcodes sub-system to speed up and simplify the purchase process

Support Mobile Device
You can use your mobile device (smartphone, tablet) as a cash register in an open area or even outdoor

Order Management
Manage discounts, coupons, markups, shipping, and add notes on products and orders

Flexible Shopping Cart
Retrieve saved shopping carts to complete the order at a later stage

Payment Control
Enable multiple and split payment methods on the same order

Customized Sales Receipts
Issue customized sales receipts ready to print or download them as a PDF file after the order is paid

Numerous Reports
View all the orders made through a specific POS register in a tab and download the register closure report

Powerful Dashboard
Monitor orders and revenue of each store and POS register from a powerful and versatile dashboard
Try it Now >
Using the Demo user and selecting the Main Register, you can tryout SkyPOS in any device.
Username: Demo
Password: Demo