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人工智能是一种已经在影响用户与互联网交互以及受其影响的技术。 在不久的将来,它的影响可能只会继续增长。 人工智能有潜力极大地改变人类与数字世界互动的方式,无论是通过其工作还是通过其他社会经济机构,无论是好是坏。



人工智能是一種已經在影響用戶與互聯網交互以及受其影響的技術。 在不久的將來,它的影響可能只會繼續增長。 人工智能有潛力極大地改變人類與數字世界互動的方式,無論是通過其工作還是通過其他社會經濟機構,無論是好是壞。


UK English 

Artificial intelligence is a technology that is already impacting how users interact with and are affected by the Internet. In the near future, its impact is likely to only continue to grow. AI has the potential to vastly change the way that humans interact, not only with the digital world but also with each other, through their work and through other socioeconomic institutions – for better or for worse.


US English 

Artificial intelligence is a technology that is already impacting how users interact with and are affected by the Internet. In the near future, its impact is likely to only continue to grow. AI has the potential to vastly change the way that humans interact, not only with the digital world but also with each other, through their work and through other socioeconomic institutions – for better or for worse.

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